- ACL Rehabilitation: Re-injury and Return to Sport Tests
- Active Release Techniques
- Adductor Squeeze Test
- Adsons Test
- Alar Ligament Test
- An Introduction to Understanding Your Runner
- Ankle Lateral Ligament Injury Assessment
- Ankle-Brachial Index
- Anterior Drawer of the Ankle
- Anterior Drawer Test of the Knee
- Apley's Test
- Apprehension Test
- Arm Squeeze Test
- Arterial Blood Gases
- Assessing Children with Clubfoot
- Assessing Clubfoot Treatment (ACT) Tool
- Assessment of Fitness for Return to Work
- Assessment of Running Biomechanics
- Assessment of Tennis Elbow
- Assessment of the amputee
- Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury
- Athletes with Disabilities
- Auscultation
- Axillary Nerve Injury
![]() |
Patient General Assessment |
- Babinski Sign
- Bakody Sign
- Barlow and Ortolani Tests
- Beighton score
- Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)
- Biceps Load II Test
- Biomechanical Assessment of Foot and Ankle
- Biomechanics for Cerebral Palsy Orthotics
- Biomechanics of the Shoulder
- Blackburne-Peel Ratio
- Blink Reflex
- Blood Tests
- Bunnell-Littler Test
- Canadian C-Spine Rule
- Capsular and Noncapsular Patterns
- Cervical Distraction Test
- Cervical Examination
- Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test
- Cervical rotation lateral flexion test
- Chaddock Reflex
- Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory
- Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment
- Child SCAT5
- Classification of Fulkerson and Shea for Malalignment in a Patient with Chronic Patellofemoral Pain
- Classification of Gait Patterns in Cerebral Palsy
- Classification Of Low Back Pain Using Shirley Sahrmann’s Movement System Impairments, An Overview Of The Concept
- Clinical Reasoning
- Codman's Test
- Coma Recovery Scale (Revised)
- Communication in the Physical Examination
- Communication Skills
- Computerized Adventitious Respiratory Sounds Analysis
- Concussion Assessment
- Considering the Stress Pain Cycle in Assessment
- Cozen’s Test
- CPR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Craniovertebral angle
- Cranio‐cervical Flexion Test
- Crank Test
- Cremasteric Reflex
- CT Scans
- Cushions
- Babinski Sign
- Bakody Sign
- Barlow and Ortolani Tests
- Beighton score
- Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)
- Biceps Load II Test
- Biomechanical Assessment of Foot and Ankle
- Biomechanics for Cerebral Palsy Orthotics
- Biomechanics of the Shoulder
- Blackburne-Peel Ratio
- Blink Reflex
- Blood Tests
- Bunnell-Littler Test
- Canadian C-Spine Rule
- Capsular and Noncapsular Patterns
- Cervical Distraction Test
- Cervical Examination
- Cervical Flexion-Rotation Test
- Cervical rotation lateral flexion test
- Chaddock Reflex
- Chedoke Arm and Hand Activity Inventory
- Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment
- Child SCAT5
- Classification of Fulkerson and Shea for Malalignment in a Patient with Chronic Patellofemoral Pain
- Classification of Gait Patterns in Cerebral Palsy
- Classification Of Low Back Pain Using Shirley Sahrmann’s Movement System Impairments, An Overview Of The Concept
- Clinical Reasoning
- Codman's Test
- Coma Recovery Scale (Revised)
- Communication in the Physical Examination
- Communication Skills
- Computerized Adventitious Respiratory Sounds Analysis
- Concussion Assessment
- Considering the Stress Pain Cycle in Assessment
- Cozen’s Test
- CPR for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Craniovertebral angle
- Cranio‐cervical Flexion Test
- Crank Test
- Cremasteric Reflex
- CT Scans
- Cushions
- De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
- Dermatomes
- Diagnosis of Acetabular Labral Tears
- Diagnostic Approaches to Low Back Pain - Comparing Maitland, McKenzie and Movement Impairment Syndromes
- Diagnostic Imaging for Physical Therapists
- Diagnostic Imaging of the Foot and Ankle for Physical Therapists
- Diagnostic Imaging of the Hip for Physical Therapists
- Diagnostic Imaging of the Knee for Physical Therapists
- Dial Test
- Differential Diagnosis of Tendinopathy
- Differentiating Patellofemoral and Tibiofemoral Pain
- Drop Arm Test
- Dynamic Gait Index
- Early Intervention and the Importance of Early Identification of Cerebral Palsy
- Edema Assessment
- Effusion tests of the Knee
- Eight Steps to Appropriate Wheelchair Provision
- Elbow Examination
- Elbow extension sign
- Elbow Valgus Stress
- Elbow Varus Stress
- Electrocardiogram
- Electrodiagnosis
- Electrolytes
- Elson Test
- Empty Can Test
- Evaluating the Child with Cerebral Palsy
- Explanation and Planning
- Speeds Test
- Spinal Cord Injury Assessment Among Older Adults
- Spine Segmental Assessment
- Spurling's Test
- Squeeze Test
- STarT Back Approach
- Steinman Test
- Stork Test
- Straight Leg Raise Test
- Stress tests for Ankle ligaments
- Stroke: Assessment
- Stroke: Physiotherapy Assessment
- Subacromial Impingement Cluster
- Subjective Assessment of a Runner
- Subjective Assessment of the Lumbar Spine
- Supination Lift Test
- Sweep test
- Talar tilt
- Tardieu Scale
- Telehealth for Low Back Pain
- Tendon Load and Capacity
- Test Item Cluster - Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear
- The Allen Test for Blood Flow
- The Basics of Telehealth Assessment and Treatment
- The Corticospinal Tract and the Plantar Response
- The Flag System
- The Postural Control System
- The Role of Hip Surveillance in Cerebral Palsy
- Thessaly test
- Thomas Test
- Thompson Test
- Thoracic Back Pain Red Flags
- Thoracic Examination
- Throwing Biomechanics
- Thumb CMC Grind Test
- Timed Up and Go Test (TUG)
- Tinel's Sign at Elbow
- Tinel’s Test
- Total Joint Arthroplasty and Outcome Measures (TJAOM) Toolkit
- Tragus to Wall Test
- Transverse Ligament Stress Test
- Treatment Based Classification Approach to Low Back Pain
- Trendelenburg Sign
- Trousseau's Sign
- Waddell Sign
- Wartenberg's Sign
- Wheelchair Assessment
- Wheelchair Assessment - Assessment Interview
- Wheelchair Assessment - Body Measurements
- Wheelchair Assessment - Physical Assessment
- Wheelchair Biomechanics
- Wheelchair Fitting
- Wheelchair Preparation
- Wheelchair Prescription
- Wheelchair Skills Assessment and Training
- When to Rethink Clubfoot Treatment
- Whipple Test
- Wilson's Test
- Wound Assessment
- Wrist and Hand Examination