The Elson test is a diagnostic test used for early detection of injuries to the central slip of the extensor tendon.
Injuries to the central slip of the extensor tendon of the hand can easily be missed until the Boutonniere Deformity sets in, with its associated functional limitations. The Elson test is a diagnostic test used for early detection of injuries to the central slip of the extensor tendon.
Elson's Test |
Have the patient rest their hand on a table, with the PIP joint of the involved finger flexed to 90 degrees over the edge of the table.
Palpate the middle phalanx of the involved finger, then ask the patient to extend the PIP while providing some resistance.
Test is POSITIVE if the patient has a weak extension at the PIP joint with (hyper)extension at the DIP.
Test is NEGATIVE if the patient has strong extension at the PIP joint, while the DIP remains floppy.
Elson's Test |
A cadaveric analysis of four non-invasive tests for central slip integrity found that Elson's Test was the only one to accurately discern central slip integrity in simulated injuries.