Hair fall can happen due to several internal as well as external factors such as environmental factors, lack of nutrition, genetic issue, hormonal imbalance, allergy and in the lack of good hair care.
Natural Tips to Treat Hair Loss |
However, the good part is that if you start working on the root cause of your hair loss problem then you can easily reverse this concern by prohibiting further hair loss and at the same time you can ensure the growth of new and healthy hair.
There are several treatment processes that promise to bring your original hair condition which is not only expensive but at the same time very lengthy and painful too.
This is the reason not everyone prefers to go for medical treatment for reversing their hair loss problem instead they choose natural and homemade remedies as these are cost-effective and beneficial too for bringing desired hair thickness and quality.
Causes of Hair Loss
If you are seeing more hair in your comb than usual whenever you comb then it is simply a sign of hair loss that you should not ignore at any cost. Little bit hair loss is usual and that happens with each one of us due to the weakness of hair roots and many more normal causes.
However, if you are experiencing a huge amount of hair fall every day then it calls for proper care otherwise you will lose your beautiful hairs very soon. Both our internal health as well as external environmental factors play a major role in the hair loss problem. Below we have enlisted some primary causes of hair loss.
Nutrition Deficit
Most of the hair related problems occur due to poor nutrition which obstructs hair growth and weakens the hair root resulting in hair loss happen. Nutrients and minerals existing in our diet nourish our scalps and strengthen the follicles hence hair fall problem diminishes. So by having healthy nutrient intake hair loss issue can be resolved.
Stress and Tension
Mental stress and tension are one of the reasons that can affect your hair health badly resulting in severe hair loss occur that can last for several months. However, by controlling your stress through different stress bursting methods like yoga, meditation, massaging, etc. you can restore your hair health by coping up hair fall problem.
Hormonal Imbalance
A hormonal imbalance is one of the primary root causes of hair loss especially in women after 30s. Once a woman enters the age of 30, a high conversion of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) occurs that leads to hair loss excessively. The conversion of androgen hormones such as DHEA into DHT affects the hair health resulting in the excessive rate of hair fall occurs.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a disease that causes hormonal imbalance in women resulting in; hairs in the head get thinner and weak day by day. At the same time hairs starts growing in unusual body parts such as face and other body parts.
PCOS increases the production of androgen hormones in women’s body which is a primary factor that affects the hair health existing in the head. Apart from this PCOS can cause other health problems too such as weight gain, acne, ovulation, etc.
People affected with thyroid health issue also experience immense hair loss as a symptom of this health concern. The thyroid gland exists in the front of your neck that may produce an excess amount of thyroid hormone resulting in it affects hair growth.
Apart from hair loss, other symptoms of thyroid include sudden weight gain or loss, changes in heart rate, sensitivity to heat and cold, etc. With proper medication and nutrition intake, you can prevent hair loss caused by a thyroid problem.
Usage of Birth Control Pills
Women who take birth control pills for avoiding unwanted pregnancy often suffer from hair loss problem. This particularly happens because the hormone existing in these pills suppresses natural ovulation process that makes hair thinner and weak resulting in hair fall occur.
Also, women who suddenly stop taking these birth control pills also suffer from hair loss problem. Apart from birth control pills other medications that can also affect the good hair health are medicines for heart diseases, high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, blood thinners, etc.
Usage of Different Hair Products
Hair products such as shampoo, dyes and other styling products contain toxic chemicals that can easily affect to your hair health, in the long run, resulting in hair growth disturbed and the quality of hairs too get badly affected. However with the usage of natural hair products this issue can be avoided.
Genes also play a vital role in the hair loss problem as it is often seen that people whose parents have hair loss problem get affected by a similar kind of hair related concern as a genetic effect.
Hair loss caused by genetics effect is the most common form of hair loss problem which is also known as androgenetic alopecia. The hair loss caused by a genetic issue exists higher if hair loss problem exists in both the parents.
Aging is another important factor that causes hair thin, greyish and hair loss problem occurs. This particularly happens because your body gets weaker with age and this also affect your scalp resulting hair roots get weak with time. However, with appropriate nutrient intake, you can keep your hair and body youthful.
Natural Tips to Treat Hair Loss
Hair thinning and hair loss is the common concern of most of the people which is not a very big concern if treated on time. So here we have described some natural and home-based ingredients tips that can reverse this hair loss and thinning effect by giving strength and density to your hair.
Neem Leaves
Neem leaves enriched with antibacterial properties which boost your scalp health for promoting the growth of healthy hairs. Apart from this, it prevents another common problem of dandruff. By increasing the blood flow in scalp it nourishes the hair root and creates a healthy environment for new and healthy hair growth.
In order to prepare this home remedy for removing hair loss problem, you need to take 10 to 12 neem leaves and a vessel full of water. Now mix these leaves in the vessel water and boil it until the water level reaches to its half. After that let the water sits until it gets cool. Then rinse your hairs with this prepared mixture.
Apply this natural formula at least once a week for improving your hair health. You can apply this mixture after cleansing your hair with shampoo.
If this neem enriched water enters into your eyes it can cause a burn. So be very careful while washing your hair with neem enriched water or close your eyes for complete safety.
Aloe Vera
Who don’t know about the soothing, calming and hydrating effect of aloe vera for our skin but you will be surprised to know that this beneficial plant leaf is equally effective in treating hair related problems such as hair loss, etc.
Application of gel extracted from the aloe vera leaf in hair helps to maintain the pH level balance in scalp and hair that strengthen the hair root and promotes the hair growth.
For using aloe vera home remedy for hair loss, at first extract the pulp content from its leaves or stalk and rub this into your hair. Massage your scalp thoroughly with pulp in a circular motion and leave it for the next 15 minutes so that your roots can absorb it properly. After that rinse your hair with cold water.
Before applying this natural formula, make sure that you have already washed your hair. You can apply this home remedy 2 to 3 times a week when you do head bath.
The aloe vera plant has yellow colored sap which contains toxins that can cause irritation in your skin. So to avoid this issue boil the aloe vera leaves before extracting pulp from it.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a natural source of proteins, Vitamin B5 which boosts your hair health and prevent hair loss by strengthening its root. Apart from this it also contains probiotics which stimulate hair growth. Honey which is another ingredient of this mixture has an antibacterial property which protects your hair from damaging.
In order to prepare this natural remedy for preventing hair loss, you need to take two tbsp. of Greek yogurt, one tbsp. honey and one tbsp. of lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients in a bowl to get a smoother mixture and then apply it with the help of a hair dye brush directly on your hair roots and scalp.
Leave this paste on your hair for the next 30 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water thoroughly. You can use this natural hair pack once in a week for boosting growth and quality of your hair. However, those who have dry hair can use this pack twice a week to make their hair silkier.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a rich source of Vitamin E, proteins, potassium and fats which helps to moisturize your hair root deeply and make it healthier so that no unusual hair loss occur further. Apart from this its antibacterial property prevents hair damaging and ensures dense and beautiful hair.
Grate coconut and squeeze it to get coconut milk and then mix it with a very small amount of water. Now apply this mixture in your scalp with the help of hair dye brush and then cover your hair with a towel for at least 20 minutes so that the mixture can be absorbed by your scalp.
After 20 minutes remove the towel and wash your hair with the cold water. Then clean your hair with shampoo. Try this natural trick once every week to prevent hair loss and for boosting its growth.
Amla is another essential natural product that you can use directly in your hairs for increasing growth and strengthen its root. It contains one of the most vital element for hair health i.e. Vitamin C which ensures collagen boosting in your scalp hence, hair loss, premature graying and thinning issues are resolved with this single treatment.
Even if you eat amla directly or its supplement then also you get an equal benefit for your overall hair health. Vitamin C absorbs iron so it keeps hair root strong and prevents hair fall. Amla is also known as Indian gooseberries.
Take 4 to 5 amla and one cup of virgin oil or you can take lime juice instead of virgin coconut oil as per your preference. Now boil all the dried amlas in the coconut oil until it turns black. Wait till it gets cool and then massage your scalp with this mixture with your fingertips. Then leave it for the next 20 minutes and after that wash your hair with shampoo.
If you are using lime juice instead of coconut oil with the amla then you have to first crush all gooseberries for extracting its juice and then mix it with 2 tbsp. of fresh lime juice. Apply directly this mixture into your scalp and then wait until it gets dry. After that rinse your hair with the lukewarm water. You can use amla hair care therapy twice a week.
Onion Juice
Onion juice has a high Sulfur value which stimulates blood circulation in the hair follicles that helps in the growth of hair. Apart from this its antibacterial property can remove any existing bacteria from your scalp which can cause infection.
In order to prepare this natural paste first take one onion and grate it to extract its juice. Now take a cotton ball and dib it into this onion juice and apply directly on your scalp gently. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse your hair with the cold water. After that wash your hair with shampoo. You can apply onion juice once in a week for preventing hair loss.
Make sure that onion juice would not enter in your eyes otherwise it can cause extreme burning sensation and discomfort for some time. It’s better to close your eyes while applying this juice on your hair.
A professional dermatologist can guide you to any one or a combination of treatments which might include medicines, surgical or any other form of remedy.
Medicinal Remedies:-
Medicines like Minoxidil, Finasteride, Corticosteroids, and Anthralin can be used to treat hair fall. Among this Minoxidil is available over the counter while the rest are available on prescription from a medical practitioner.
- Minoxidil – This non-prescription medicine is used to treat Alopecia Areata (balding in patches) as well as Androgenetic Alopecia. It is available at the medical/drug outlet in 2 or 5 percent liquid or foam solution. Patients are advised to rub the liquid onto the scalp twice a day for hair growth and arrest further hair loss. The re-growth is not as thick as the original and is shorter in length. It is sufficient though to hide the spots of balding and blend in with the existing hair. The treatment results can be observed in 12 weeks.
However, this drug may cause irritation on the scalp in which case it is better to discontinue its use. Doctors can also stop its use in treatment if there is no significant improvement in the growth pattern after six months of usage.
- Finasteride – Finasteride is approved for use by men only as it treats only the male pattern baldness. It is a pill available on prescription only. The pill to be ingested daily works as it halts the testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is responsible for shrinking the hair follicles, a significant contributor to hair loss in men.
The secondary effects of this drug include weakened sex drive and function and the possibility of prostate cancer in patients with high risk. Finasteride unapproved for women's use, especially women of childbearing age or are pregnant as it causes serious birth defects if absorbed.
- Corticosteroids – Taken either in pill, injection, cream, and ointment form, this is also a prescription drug to treat Alopecia Areata. The injections are given on the scalp twice a month. In severe cases, doctors might prescribe pills as well. The effects of cream and ointments are comparatively less as compared to injections. The results can be observed by four weeks after the scalp is injected.
- Anthralin – This tarry and synthetic substance are available in cream or ointment form to be applied and washed off daily. Its original use was for psoriasis; however, some doctors might have prescribed it in treating some other skin disorder, which might lead to hair fall. This drug stimulates the growth of new hair in patients suffering from Alopecia Areata. The effect is observed within 12 weeks.
Surgical Remedies:-
Patients opt for surgical treatments when medicinal remedies might not have worked for them. Generally, surgical treatment is the last resort when the hair fall is beyond control and irreversible. Some surgical treatments involve hair transplantation, scalp reduction or laser therapy to stimulate hair growth. However, there are still some inhibitions about laser treatment in the medical fraternity as its efficacy is yet to be proved and approved.
On the flip side, surgical remedies are painful and expensive. The process is ongoing and involves the risk of infection and scarring. It takes around 6 – 8 months for the treatment results to kick in.
- Hair Transplantation – Hair transplantation involves techniques like punch grafts, mini grafts, micrografts, slit/strip grafts to treat Androgen Alopecia as the hair loss, in this case, is permanent. This treatment involves the implantation of sections of skin on the bald sections by a dermatologist/cosmetic surgeon. Typically, the surgeon removes small portions of skin containing one to few hairs from the back or side sections of the patient's scalp for hiding the bald spots.
This treatment has to be ongoing as in Androgenetic Alopecia; the hereditary form of hair loss is progressive by nature.
- Scalp Reduction – This treatment involves reducing the bald skin area on the patient's head. It has been observed that over a period of time the skin on the scalp and top of the head becomes flexible and can be sufficiently stretched in order to remove it. After the scalp without hair is removed, it is closed with the help of a scalp that has hair on it. Another technique involves folding of the hair-bearing skin over the bald patch.
Other Remedies:-
- Other Treatments – If taking medication is an issue or surgery is not an option people dare to opt for, there are other forms of remedies to overcome the embarrassment caused by baldness. Patients can buy good quality natural looking wigs or hairpieces to cover the bald patch.
Some people can even opt for alternative therapies like acupuncture, naturopathy, Ayurveda, homeopathy to make a difference in their hair loss patterns. Sometimes, when the hair loss is temporary, people can try to identify the root cause of the problem and make necessary changes in their lives like eating a wholesome nutritive diet, staying away or dealing positively with stressful situations or bringing about a change in their destructive pattern of lifestyles.
All the natural tips to treat hair loss mentioned above are best for your hair health and consistent application of these natural remedies can relieve you completely from the problems of hair loss and hair thinning.