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12 Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royal

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There are many times when we wonder why we do things a certain way, and usually, there’s a very rational reason behind it. For example, Queen Elizabeth is known for always carrying her handbag in her left hand because she wants to keep her right hand free for handshakes. The only time she will change her purse placement is if she wants to let her staff know that she wants to end a conversation.

Bhaskar Health is ready to reveal some of the most essential etiquette rules and manners that will prepare you for any social event.

1. Shield the lemon with your hand or a spoon when squeezing it.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

Lemon juice is one of the most painful things that can end up in someone’s eye. This is why you should use either your one hand or a spoon to create a shield around the lemon.

2. Put your napkin on your lap in the shape of a rectangle, not a triangle.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

Dinner napkins are usually quite big and this is why the best way to put them on your lap is to fold them in half in the shape of a rectangle. When you’re finished with your meal, don’t fold the napkin back, but instead, leave it on the left side of your plate.

3. Don’t lift your little finger when drinking tea.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

When sipping tea, avoid lifting your little finger, even though many people think it’s the appropriate thing to do. Instead, use your index and middle fingers to push the bottom of the cup toward your mouth.

4. Use your left hand when you sneeze or cough, not your right.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

5. Wait for the host to take a seat before you start eating.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

6. When someone asks for the salt, pass it along with the pepper.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

7. If you invite people to a business lunch, it should be your treat.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

8. When the bread basket arrives, don’t be the first one to grab a slice.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

When you are dining at a restaurant and the bread basket arrives, make sure to offer a slice to the person on your right, then to the person on your left. And after that, you can pick out a slice for yourself.

9. Don’t stir your tea the wrong way. It should not be clockwise, but rather, south to north.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

10. You should always keep your handbag on your left arm.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

11. Don’t ask for leftovers at the end of a business dinner.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

12. Approach your seat at the table from the left side and leave from the right side.

12 Etiquette Rules That Can Make You Look Like Royalty If You Know Them

Do you know any other crucial etiquette rules that will prove to everyone that your manners are excellent? Don’t be shy and share your thoughts with us.

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