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6 Effective Ways to Make Your Neck Look Younger

The neck is usually the first to show signs of aging. This is a well-known fact. This is because the skin here is thinner than on the other body parts and, moreover, it has fewer oil glands which is why it loses elasticity faster. Luckily, it is possible to fight age-related changes effectively.

Bhaskar Health gathered a few popular tips that can prevent aging and make your neck stay younger longer.

6. Don't overuse perfume.

Perfumes contain alcohol and different aromatizers that dry out your skin and make it less elastic. If you are used to refreshing your perfume during the day, it's better to apply it only to the wrists.

5. Don't wear heavy jewelry.

Heavy necklaces and pendants stretch the gentle skin on the neck. It's better to wear them only on special occasions. Due to the same reason, it's better to refuse to wear synthetic turtleneck sweaters with tight collars.

4. Look after your posture.

First of all, a bad posture can be the reason for headaches and neck pain. Secondly, due to the constant bending, wrinkles can appear and they are not easy to get rid of.

There's one more enemy of beautiful skin and a good posture - the cell phone. Many people hold it lower than the eye level when they read or watch something and this also provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Moisturize your skin regularly

At first glance it seems obvious, however, many women forget that the neck, just like the face, has to be moisturized regularly. You don't need a special lotion as your regular face cream will be just as good for your neck. You do have to pay attention to how you apply it to your neck because it is important to move your fingers gently upwards.

It's also useful to include some beauty procedures that we are used to doing to our face for our necks, as well. For example, the skin on your neck needs gentle exfoliation just like your face does. It's better to use delicate remedies. For example, you can mix yogurt and oat flakes in order to make a suitable scrub. It will help remove dead skin cells without hurting the gentle skin on the neck.

2. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C and fatty acids.

Vitamin C enhances the production of collagen that makes skin elastic. This is why it is better to include more citrus fruits, tomatoes, and berries in your diet. It's also good to eat more products rich in the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, and avocado. They help nourish the skin from the inside and they are irreplaceable for your health.

1. Remember to exercise.

There are many different exercises to keep your neck and face muscles fit. Here are some of them:

  • Move the lower jaw back and forth.
6 Effective Ways to Make Your Neck Look Younger
  • Protrude your lips (in the shape of the letter "О") and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise several times. Then, do the same, pronouncing the sound "E" like in "eel."
6 Effective Ways to Make Your Neck Look Younger
  • Sit straight, press your right hand against your forehead. Press your hand with force without tilting your head. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
6 Effective Ways to Make Your Neck Look Younger
  • Sit straight, put your hands behind your head and press the back of your head against them without tilting your head backwards. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
  • Sit straight. Tilt your head backwards and open your mouth. Try to reach your upper lip with your lower lip without putting your teeth together. Repeat the exercise several times.
6 Effective Ways to Make Your Neck Look Younger

In order to achieve better results, perform these exercises 1-2 times a day. By the way, ordinary exercises can also help keep your neck fit because regular physical exercise improves blood flow and enriches skin with oxygen, making it more elastic.

Do you have any special tips on how to keep your neck fit? Share your experience with us in the comments.