Certain diseases can lead to leg disorders. For example, diabetes can increase slow blood circulation and lead to problems with blood vessels. To prevent unwanted symptoms, we need to find which inner organ is damaged that caused the complications.
Bhaskar Health cares about your health and found the most common leg disorders that indicate you may have problems with your inner organs.
1. Swelling in your feet and lower legs
Swelling in your feet and legs can be caused by standing for long periods, but is also a symptom of many conditions. Although it can affect any part of your body, you may notice it more often in your arms, feet, ankles, and legs.
What it may mean:
- Heart diseases. Many heart diseases make fluid get stuck in your feet and lower legs.
- Problems with veins. Veins can become unable to pump blood in the proper way, so blood gets pooled in the legs.
- Problems with the lymphatic system. We have lymph nodes and blood vessels in our bodies that help carry fluid throughout the body. When there is a blockage in the lymphatic system it causes swelling in the legs and arms.
- Problems with the liver. Swelling can be caused by the inability of the liver to make enough blood proteins.
2. Blue or purple color of the skin on your legs
Everyone has probably noticed when it’s extremely cold, that your skin can turn blue. But there are conditions when your toes can change color, even when it’s warm.
What it may mean:
There is a condition called blue toe syndrome, that happens when blood vessels are blocked.
3. Painful lumps in your fingers and toes
Painful lumps can develop suddenly and last or a few hours to several days. It is recommended to not ignore them and make an appointment with a doctor immediately.
What it may mean:
You may have a heart infection caused by bacteria. Normally antibiotics work perfectly in these cases and no surgery is needed.
4. Unexplained bruises on legs
We’ve all bumped into something and gotten a bruise, but there are conditions where blue spots appear randomly without any explanation and stay for a long time on your skin.
What it may mean:
1. Liver disease
2. Some autoimmune diseases, when your own your immune system mistakenly attacks your body
3. Inflammation of blood vessels
5. Red rashes on legs
Skin rashes are a common patient complaint. These spots can be bright red, dark red, or even purple. In some cases, they can be itchy, so it may be just an allergic reaction. In other cases, it may be a symptom of a serious disease.
What it may mean:
- Inflammation of the blood vessels
- Some autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
6. Appearance of spider veins in the leg
Spider veins can appear during pregnancy or because of obesity and not enough exercise. It is very often a symptom of varicose veins and sometimes you may feel some pain in this area.
What it may mean:
Varicose veins are not very rare nowadays and affect about 30% of all people. It is a condition where superficial veins become enlarged and twisted.
How often do you visit doctors to monitor your health? Have you ever had any problems with your legs or feet? Please, share your comments with us below!